Friday, November 8, 2013

Why train Positively?

Positive training is something that has time and time been proven by science to be more effective, kind and yield longer lasting results than training that involves corrections that teach our dogs what not to do. Generally, when people are asked what kind of relationship they would like with their dog, answers include the following.

"Pearl is my best friend. I can't even begin to explain it. I take care of her every physical need and in return she loves me unconditionally and is always there for emotional support." -Zoe Kindall

"Mutual respect and admiration." -Emily Hurt

"One based on trust and respect. I never want my dogs to be afraid of making mistakes. I want them to see me as their safe place especially since they give me so much emotional support and love. They deserve nothing less in return." -Meghan McMillan

"A loving one!" -Diane Aramian

"One where we're not only teammates but best friends and know we can always count on eachother without worry." -Meaghan Darling

Answers like this likely resonate with most of us and make sense because we care about our dogs. Because the relationship we want is one based on trust, admiration, respect and support, it's safe to say that correcting our dogs and expecting perfection is less than ideal. Dogs are living creatures like humans and make mistakes just as we do. Mistakes are what helps the learning process move forward and teaching anyone, whether it is a child or a dog, that failure is a part of life is vital to their success. 

Many people beg the question, well, why treat your dog if they can do it without a cookie? No one works for free, right? Most people don't go to work without expecting a paycheck from their boss, so why do we expect our dogs to do it without reward? Eventually, we create what is called an extinguished behavior. If no reward is given, or no paycheck is received, eventually your dog quits. And, rightfully so!

The wonderful bit about positive training is that there are a plethora of reinforcers available for us to use! The main thing we have to do is figure out what your dog's cookie is. What makes your dog jump for joy? What makes her tail wag? What gets him excited? Whether it's cheese, a squeaky toy, hot dogs, a frisbee, chicken, a ball, turkey, a walk around the block or a good game of tug, our dogs are giving us valuable feedback about what we can use as a paycheck. Make a list of these food items, toys and activities and vary what you use. You'll be surprised in which ways you can get your dog to respond. Remember, you are the one with the opposable thumbs. You are the one with the car keys. You are the one in charge of the wallet. You control the resources and everything good in your dog's life so there is no need to establish yourself as the boss. Use your resources wisely and you can get your dog to do just about anything you wish!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Coping Skills and Strategies

We all get worried and stressed about things including our dogs. But, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to have skills to help us handle life when things become stressful. Just as people have learned coping skills for certain events in their lives, it's important for us to teach our dogs skills that help them overcome obstacles. Whether it be a new environment, other people or other dogs, our dogs need to learn how to handle things in a positive way. Often times we use counter conditioning and change a negative response into a positive one with the help of treats, toys or games. Another tool we use is early socialization and creating positive associations with our dogs' surroundings. Whether you're teaching a puppy or an adult dog, dogs need to be given time to understand the things around them, be allowed to go at their own pace, and it must above all be positive. If it's not positive you're poisoning the entire reason for doing the exercise.

For those of you who have dogs who gets stressed out or worried about things, we have to remember to keep a dog under threshold at all times as well as stay aware of what the triggers are for that individual dog. As triggers stack up on top of each other the tolerance is lowered and we climb closer to the threshold until we're over it and are then faced with a reactive or frightened dog. We have two responses, fight or flight. Many dogs will chose flight but if this isn't an option, what do they do? You guessed it. Fight. Now, this doesn't necessarily mean a dog is going to begin fighting but they may lash out by barking, lunging, growling, snapping the air and sometimes redirected their frustration on the nearest object. This could even include you, and this is why it's crucial for us to keep the dog under threshold during training. This keeps everyone safe and allows for a much more pleasant experience.

Keeping a dog below threshold is quite an easy task if you know how to play your cards right. Whatever triggers the dog should be far enough away or quiet enough or just noticeable enough that the dog is still able to feel relaxed and concentrate on you. You then pair with treats or toys, whatever is incredibly pleasant for the dog and then slowly build up the tolerance level. Counter conditioning takes time and patience on your part and it won't go quickly or get resolved in a flash, but by taking the time and allowing the dog to move at a pace that is comfortable for them, you are ensuring a reliable response and a dog that will likely not regress in the future. Will this always work and change the dog's view 100%? Absolutely not. Each dog is different but what matters is to understand your dogs' triggers, keep an eye on the body language and know when your dog needs to be removed and have a moment to recollect.

"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet." -Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The world is a scary place for our dogs and it's up to us to help them understand and make them feel safe. Dogs don't always view our world the way we do and it's important to understand and accept that they are different. Know your dog, learn how they view the world and you'll have a much better relationship with them. Your dog will thank you for it!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Mounting and Overstimulation

Mounting and humping, it's all about dominance right? No? Well, surely it must be about sex and mating correct? That's wrong, too?

Mounting or humping are natural behaviors that dogs display most often when over stimulated or unsure of how to play. Many puppies mount due to being inexperienced in how to induce play and sometimes if play gets incredibly fun and exciting, dogs will mount each other because it's a pleasurable behavior. Unfortunately, many dogs are punished for humping and their owners don't seem to understand that this behavior is not a bid for dominance or rank.

In the following video, you'll notice an almost three year old spayed female dalmatian mount an almost two year old neutered border collie. The border collie is incredibly fixated on the ball and busy. Because no other attempts of trying to get him to play have been successful and due to being extremely excited, the dalmatian decides to mount him in an attempt to get his attention or simply because she is overstimulated.

*Note*: Permission was given to post after I asked the dog's owner.

The main reason this behavior is not considered dominance is not only will you see this behavior displayed by males but also females and it can be displayed by both intact and castrated canines. Often, during play, dogs will alternate and mount each other. The question here would stem, "Which dog is dominant?" The answer is, "Neither." Both are simply engaged in play and getting excited.

Hopefully, this short post will allow you to reevaluate your dog's behavior if something such as this comes up and allow you to realize that it may not be exactly what it seems to be. Most dogs are not out to dominate the world nor is it the goal of each and every dog, intact or not to mate every minute of every day. Sometimes humping is just humping! Dogs get excited just like we do!!

Dogs Speak Dog Training is committed to force free training methods and creating a better and happier relationship with your dogs. For more information you can visit or e-mail 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Why Not Dominance?

Imagine two children are playing and one takes the toy harshly from the other child. You, the parent, run up to your child screaming "NO" and grab them by their hair and slam them onto the ground while they struggle. You do not chose to release pressure from your grip until your child has "submitted" and "learned their lesson". After the incident, you allow your child back to their game with their playmate. All of a sudden you see your child sitting in the corner very somber. They glance your direction every few seconds and are jumpy any time you make a move. This scenario sounds pretty bizarre and many people would think, "Wow, what a horrible parent! Parenting is important but he or she didn't need to slam their child onto the floor and use physical force..." Sadly, this is what many dogs go through at dog parks, day cares and just about any other time a dog interacts with another or they get into a small scuffle. This is to teach a dog who is "dominant" and it's become a major problem in the dog world.

We have a problem that has been a hot debate amongst many different people. It causes many people to get angry and turn to name calling and hateful words. It angers some people and makes others frustrated. Some people feel like they'll never get through to the opposing party. But, many of us generally have a side on this. Dominance based training versus Positive based training has been a very huge topic lately. There are televised shows that show case "trainers" or "behaviorists" working with dogs. Some use dominance theory while others use the ideas of shaping and luring. Unfortunately, the problem that has been seen and the word that many positive trainers are trying to get out is that dominance based methods have been proven to be outdated and scientifically invalidated. Much research has been done in the past and is still being done today to learn more about the canine companions we have with us. We don't speak the same language so communication can often be a barrier and we struggle to find ways to make our dogs understand.

The big argument that I would like to mention is that through much of what I've learned, I'm still learning. Positive reinforcement trainers seem to understand that there is always much more to learn. New articles are consistently being published and trainers are sharing information and discussing how they themselves can still become better and even more concise in their communication. I can only speak from my personal experiences but from what I have seen, many people who are still convinced that dominance based training is the way to teach a dog, have not seemed to realize that the very methods they are employing on their animals is doing them physical and mental harm as well as having been dis-proven by science.

Don't we always mention that there is always more to learn? Do we not always say that one can always learn more and that we were given two ears and one mouth because we should listen twice as much as we speak? I can assure anyone that may stumble across this post and read it full and through that in the time I have had my personal dogs, I have done constant research, read articles, joined webinars to watch and observe, and read countless books emphasizing the new findings on how dogs think and learn and how we can achieve the best results with the kindest treatment.

A large problem I see is that I feel people do not have patience. People ask, "Do forceful methods work?" and I mention that of course they do. If they didn't people wouldn't use them. But, my response is always, "Would you like to build a relationship based on trust and understanding or fear and worry?" I would much rather have my dog's eyes light up as I bring out my training gear such as treats, my pouch, clicker and toys. When we use painful methods that scare dogs into submission we may have a dog that listens, but often than not I have observed these dogs have little to no life in their actions. They slink around and seem to hang their head low. Training has not become fun and exciting. Instead, it has become an unpredictable storm of leash jerks, pops, alpha rolls and scary experiences.

Many trainers, like myself, began using these pain based methods. I, myself, used to believe the myth of having to walk through the doorway before your dog, feeding your dog after you ate and that a growl was not allowed when around other dogs. That was just NAUGHTY behavior and mounting was certainly dominance. Little did I know that everything I was telling myself was a story and my dog was very confused. My dog didn't understand why I did these things and the way I did these things did not mean a thing in the world to her. She simply wanted to do what was reinforcing and communicate with other creatures of the same species.

I have now learned that a growl or snap is incredibly inhibited and to be thankful for the fact that my dog chooses to warn before simply deciding to bite. I have learned that my dog simply does what is reinforcing and if I want her attention that I must learn to have what reinforces her. I am in control of the resources. I am the one with opposable thumbs. I am the one who controls when we eat and what we eat. My dog is in no way out for a bid to dominate me. Because truly, what could they do? Grab the car keys and drive to the nearest pet store for a shopping spree? Grab the phone and call all their doggie friends over for a slumber party? You, and only you, are in control of the resources. Use those resources to your advantage and show your dog how wonderful it is to work with you. Show your dog that by making good choices, he will receive what he wants. It is a give and take relationship. There is no bribery, there is simply understanding of rules and criteria. If the dog does not understand these, don't wait for him to make the wrong guess and punish him. We certainly do not punish children in school for not knowing how to multiply if they are still in kindergarten and have yet to learn this skill! We cannot expect dogs to be mind readers because they certainly are not. We cannot expect our dog to make the right guess and we certainly should not wait for them to guess wrong so we may hand out a punishment. Because, studies have shown, punishment does little for learning. In fact, punishment becomes associated with you, the owner, and then working with you becomes less appealing.

Dogs are creatures just as humans or any other species and are allowed to feel and are subject to the laws of learning. They are allowed not to be comfortable with everyone because we as people do not love every person we come into contact with. Our dogs are allowed to communicate discomfort with a growl or snap. Teach your dog how to communicate effectively by setting boundaries and not punishing for the correct communication. Set limits and allow for time outs if a wrong choice was made when criteria was set. Allow a dog to learn that he can make mistakes without the fear of being hit or yelled at. Mistakes are part of learning. We want our dogs to learn that mistakes just mean there is no reward coming and that they can try again. Make it a game, make it rewarding and make it fun.

Humans are intelligent. We have come a vast way from where we used to be. We have researched and cured disease and helped aid those in need. We have discovered how to send people to space. We have managed heart transplants. We have cloned creatures. With so much intelligence and an upper hand on the learning curve compared to our canine counterparts, we should be able to have enough smarts to teach our dogs without having to resort to pain and harm.

Not only do I and other positive trainers have these opinions, but studies by veterinarians as well as behaviorists have been done and many site that painful devices such as prong collars, choke chains and electronic collars are painful and do more harm than good. The Association of Pet Dog Trainers promotes kind methods and understanding of how we communicate. Many trainers have done research and evaluated dogs and written books about specific issues such as resource guarding, calming signals and shaping or capturing behaviors. Many people have written broad books that explain things step by step for those who are new to the world of positive reinforcement. So, why are all of these people trying so hard to move forward and use the new discoveries made? Why are people urging those who use primitive methods to step out of their comfort zone and give clicker training or positive reinforcement a shot? It is likely the same reason I am writing this blog post. We owe it to those dogs we call best friends, service animals, agility partners and pets to learn how to teach them. We owe them our best shot at understanding them. This, more than anything, constitutes educating ourselves and realizing that there is constantly more to be learned.

In order to share some of not only what I know, I asked several people, some that I know and others that I do not know, to share what they think is lovely about positive reinforcement and why they chose not to employ dominance techniques on their dogs. Words speak volumes, but until you see the change yourself, I can only offer my words.

“Why dominate? It's never been an ego thing for me, I don't need to feel good about myself to have a dog ‘submit’ to my will.” –Lisa G White

”Dominance base methods just don't make sense to me. Aggression creates more aggression. Why would a timid or fearful dog respond positively to being dominated and treated forcefully? I've always thought that your dogs should respond to out of respect and love, not the fear of harsh punishment, like being kicked in the side or rolled over on their backs. We spent all this time domesticating dogs and yet people STILL want to treat them like wolves. And even then, it’s been proven that wild wolves don't 'alpha roll' each other around.” –Ally Farrell

”Dogs know we are not nonspecific! May want to look into Temple Grandin (I think) and how she explains peademorphosis also effects dominance in dogs. ‘They only retain fragmented parts at best’ (not an exact quote). Hence, dominance is irrelevant in training. Yes, it works, of course it does.......because dogs are malleable (and very willing to please) and +P/-R is proven to work in the Skinner box.” –Strunky KC CiSh

“Dominance produces fear - not trust.” –Vicki L Baker

“Clicker training is useful for many reasons, but my two main reasons are the quick response to tell when the dog is giving the desired behavior. The second reason is it builds wonderful thinking skills and confidence as the dog is always right when using the clicker.” –Kara Corn

“When a dog is confronted, there are two options it can respond with: fight or flight. When a dog cannot escape, it then gives several warnings that it may bite. If the owner does not recognize these signals, the owner could be bitten.” –Carly Treinen

“I like to use the positive route because for  1. Happy responds to it better and 2. I, myself, have more fun working with her when I get better results! I don't like dominance because 1. I don't want Happy to be afraid of me or what she might do next! Learning should be fun...isn't that what we were taught in elementary school?! Well, that also applies for our furry children! Another reason I don't like dominance is that Happy is a submissive pee-er and if I used dominance, my house would smell like a dog hoarders house! Dominance just does not have as good of effects, if any, as the positive route!” –Becca Shipley

“Dogs are not human enough to want to dominate.” –Leah Mouatt

“Claiming dominance implies using force to maintain my position (above another creature). At some point, I run into some situation where using force would put me at risk for being hurt. So then what do you do? There is no plan B once you cannot physically impose your will upon another. You can only hope to add more force or pain in hopes that will change the situation around to your liking. And what if that doesn't work? If you think about it, dominance is not a universal option for controlling all animals. One cannot begin with dominating a dolphin, killer whale, giraffe, lion, tiger or bear. Since you have to use positive training (operant conditioning) for these animals, why wouldn't you use it for all the animals as all animals are subject to the same laws of learning?” –Abby Harrison Melott

“I want a happy dog that offers behaviors. I love capturing some of those behaviors, rewarding them, and then turning them into tricks. I chose the positive route because it works.” –Judy Beile Walter

“I prefer to use training methods that are base on the latest research in canine behavior. Dominance theory (as it has been applied in the past by old-school trainers) has been discredited by the top names in the field of canine behavior. Also, using positive based methods creates a partnership between me and my dogs that really allows us to communicate. I feel that dogs, trained using dominance theory have their communication completely stunted by anxiety and fear of correction.” –Meghan McMillan

“Because in the end, I want my dogs to strive to work with me. Not feel like they must to avoid pain/punishment/etc.” –Ashley Pruitt

“We now know that the best way for a dog to learn is from the inside out and not by way of force put upon them. If you have to use force on a different species, what will the trust base be between those 2 different species? Only let respect and patience flowing through your leash will your dog be able to learn your world. Using force will leave a gap between owner and dog...” –Hans Dutchie



"As a crossover owner/trainer, I have found positive methods to not only work faster, but also guarantee me a quick and happy response from my dogs, even if it is calling off of a level 10 distraction like squirrels or tennis balls." -Ginny Krudewig


"You want your dog to both trust and respect you, and dominating your dog does not accomplish this. Think of it this way....if you had someone over you, constantly trying to show you who was alpha....what would you think of that person? You might fear that person....but that doesn't exactly inspire trust! Plus it might cause the dog to redirect the issue in another way.....perhaps even aggressively, and all you've really done is created another issue." -Lindsay O

Thank you to all those who gave input and shared what they have learned. The more we listen, the more we learn. Give positive reinforcement a shot and watch as the eyes of the creature looking back at you light up. Our dogs try so very hard to understand us; we need to begin to try and understand them.

Dogs Speak Dog Training is committed to force free training methods and creating a better and happier relationship with your dogs. For more information you can visit or e-mail

Friday, June 14, 2013

How Do I Get My Dog to Stop Barking When We Are Out on Walks? (Guest Blog)

By Ines Gaschot
Barking at other dogs and people when on leash is an extremely common issue. I refer to it as leash aggression or reactivity. It’s usually an explosion of barking and lunging and it happens to a variety of dogs – large and small, pure bred or mutt. This issue does not discriminate.
It is caused by a variety of reasons. History, genetics, health problems, general anxiety, or frustration all can play a role in leash aggression. Whatever the reason a dog is leash aggressive, there is usually a very similar protocol for each case. For the sake of this article, I will use the word trigger to mean the person/dog/object that causes the dog to react aggressively.

Here are the steps of the behavior modification process:
  1. Teach the dog new skills to be utilized on walks.
  2. Create positive associations and emotions towards the dog’s triggers.
  3. Use the new skills and new associations to create a new behavior pattern for whenever you encounter those triggers.

The time it takes to change the dog’s behavior depends highly on how long the dog has been practicing the behavior, previous consequences for reacting this way, genetics, and handler skills, but this process is the best way to create long term changes in the dog’s behavior. While there are some “quick fix” methods, those often times only subdue or hide the dog’s true emotional response to their triggers and can create unpredictable dogs.

If you are having an issue with your dog’s behavior on leash, I have started a new online classroom that is geared toward people just like you. It provides step-by-step instructions and videos to ensure you understand how to apply the exercises that are taught. Also, if you are looking for private instruction, I offer private lessons via video chat in a special package through the classroom. As a member, you can take practice quizzes, discuss problems or questions on the community forum, and get access to all the materials 24 hours a day. 
Leash Aggression Classroom

Ines Gaschot
All Positive Dog Training LLC
The Crossover Trainer Blog

Note and Thank you: Ines Gaschot has a variety of experience with all types of dogs and is incredibly qualified specifically with dogs who have leash reactivity problems. Dogs Speak Dog Training is very appreciative of Ines for writing a guest blog and All Positive Dog Training LLC and Dogs Speak Dog Training and both committed to force free training methods and creating a better and happier relationship with your dogs. For more information you can also visit or e-mail

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Failure and Frustration

Often than not, presumably because of the huge communication barrier we have with the canine species, we bump heads and end up feeling frustration along with experiencing failures in our training. We've spoken about success in this blog before and what it means to be successful but we also need to cover the other end of that spectrum. Many of you are probably thinking, "Why even go there?" or "Why focus on failure?" Well, failure is where we learn and take lessons from. Failure is so important and I would honestly be disappointed if it wasn't part of the learning curve. Failures are what makes the successes so much sweeter. Frustration is what makes you delve deeper and think harder. It makes you think outside the box and try things you had not thought of trying before. Each dog is different and they all have something unique that motives them or gets them really revved and excited. But, unless we get stumped and run into problems along the journey, we won't ever be pushed to go "there" and pull other ideas out of our hats.

"The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure." -Sven Goran Eriksson

We are naturally worried and fear failure and what it may bring. Often times we don't want to continue trying because we think, "What's the point?" But, it is only those who truly persevere that manage to push through to that success. Failure is feedback and information. What you do with that information is up to you. The feedback you receive may frustrate you at first, but this vital information has hidden answers that lead you to your successes.

So what exactly is frustration? Frustration can be difficult to zero in on because at the moment it's happening, we don't really even want to think about anything. It's hard to run into a road block and try to think straight. During those times in training it's best to stop, back up and take a break. Being frustrated at your dog is definitely not the way to positively train and it certainly won't get you anywhere near the results you are likely striving for.

Why does frustration happen? This can honestly be caused by many things. A lack of consistent reinforcement or raising the criteria too high too quickly are two of the top things that play into building frustration for your dog and this will lead to misunderstanding or lack of response from the dog. This in turn of course frustrates you, the trainer, and it becomes a vicious cycle. You're unable to reward and the dog gets no feedback because a stalemate is created.

Now, let's talk about what we can do to keep frustration and from happening. Failure does not necessarily go hand in hand with frustration because we can teach the dog that failure isn't a bad thing. I touched on this a bit in previous blog posts but the main point is, failure happens but it just means we have to try again. If we don't teach our dogs that failure is okay we continue to vicious frustration cycle and just make things worse.

So, when you're training a dog a new behavior remember to reward often. Remind yourself that just as you would want an appealing paycheck, your dog deserves a high value paycheck as well. Whether that be kibble, treats, cheese, hot dogs or a toy is really up to the dog and what they enjoy being rewarded with. Recall that we do have a communication barrier so it is imperative that you be patient and give your dog the benefit of the doubt when learning new and complex tricks. One hugely important lesson I'd like to reiterate though is the fact that dogs are simply living beings just like us. They make mistakes just as we do. They have off days or days when they just don't feel like working. They have moments where they can't recall information or need a break. Listen to your dog and give them the same treatment you would want someone to give you. Kindness goes along way and most certainly keeps you and your dog from getting too frustrated and upset with each other. And remember, even if you do have an off day or a training session really doesn't progress or go the way you wish it had, failure happens. It is a part of all of us and a part of life. But, it doesn't mean your dog is incapable of learning, it doesn't mean you are incapable of teaching and it CERTAINLY doesn't mean that it's the end of the world.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Markers and Nonreward Markers

In training we have markers and non reward markers (NMR). A clicker or the words "yes" or "good" are markers that are paired with a treat, or 'charged', to teach the dog a reward is coming. A non reward marker, such as "no", "ah-ah", "oh-oh", "oops", "wrong" or "try again" are used to communicate with your dog that the response was not what you were looking for and to give it another shot. Failure in training is something we want the dog to understand and accept. It's important to know that failure happens, however, the game can continue if right choices are made. My dogs personally know that a wrong choice doesn't mean they will be punished but that they simply have to try something else to get their reward.

It's imperative that once you've charged up a marker such as the clicker that you honor your marker with a treat even if you click on accident. If you get into a habit of not rewarding even if you click, you'll likely end up lowering the value of the clicker and eventually the dog won't see much of anything special in it. Along with that, you want to remember only to click once for a marker. The clicker was made to have a unique sound and is an incredibly valuable tool. Poisoning it can make things more difficult if you like to train by shaping behaviors. Not only that, but even though you can use your voice as a marker for correct behavior, your voice is not as accurate and consistent as a clicker is.

 "You learn something every day if you pay attention." -Ray LeBlond

Markers and non reward markers can be incredibly useful in training because they give us a way to communicate in an effective, clear and concise manner with our dog. They are great precursors for what is to come or not to come. It's important we understand the power of these markers and use them correctly. If you're ever unsure about how to use markers or in what context one can use them in, brush up on your reading of behavior modification and training. A great book that covers clicker training and it's basics is "Don't Shoot the Dog" by Karen Pryor. This as well as her website are excellent resources to recall the basics and make sure you're doing it right. It's great that these tools are available to use, but in order to be successful in our training and communication we must be sure to use them correctly. Otherwise, what are you using it for?